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June 2, 2016

Love Yourself

love yourself

Sometimes I think I’m so crazy for joining the beauty industry, I feel like you are just setting yourself up for straight up failure. I mean, this is women’s hair and nails which is everything to them! It is the end of the world if they break a nail or their hair isn’t just right. People are so obsessed with things like this that if you do anything wrong, they will not care about any feelings or that you are a human being. I have had so much heartache because you never feel good enough for anyone, no matter how good and “successful” you get, there is always that one person. Read more

May 28, 2016

Mountains and Floral

This week we were so happy to be a part of a fundraiser event that Kelsie Emm Photography did for a sweet family. I grew up with the mother of this sweet boy down the street and when I saw this event going on I just had to be a part of it. I wanted to help show my support. You can read their story here and be sure to donate if you can because this little boy is going through so much at such a young age. I thought Kelsie did such a great job and she was so fun to work with we are so happy. Also don’t forget to scroll down to the bottom to see the outfit details.

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April 28, 2016

11 Secrets for a Happier Mommy

I decided to let you in on a secret to help you be a Happier mom. Try one of these everyday and see how it helps you in your life. I know that in my life these work miracles.

#1     It is a priority to own a leather jacket. When I go to the grocery store I am lucky if I brush my hair, but I’m telling you once I put on my leather jacket I change to a whole new person. It’s like I automatically become Sandy from “Grease” and I feel like such a rebel. I don’t care what shape, size or color you are trust me you will feel so hot and forget all about the crusty cereal on your pants.

#2  “Exercise gives you endorphin’s and endorphin’s make you happy, happy people don’t shoot their husbands” yes I am quoting “Legally Blonde.” This is so true I seriously have gone 5 years out of high school without one day of exercising and thought I was just going to stay skinny and the post baby skin was going to go back up where it came from and boy was I wrong. Now I will be honest I look like a flabby unicorn trying to run when I work out, and I do not know how people think running is fun and I do not have that talent. I usually go to a treadmill or the elliptical  and put my head phones in and just binge watch Netflix and wow it feels so good to watch a grown up show. I also was at Costco one time and I seriously spent 5 min to put my dog food in the cart and I couldn’t pick it up, then this hot momma comes walking by and picks one up no prob and puts it in her cart. After that, I then decided I was going to lift weights. Let me tell you people, working out is actually beneficial and you can use it in everyday life! Now I’m a rock star at picking up dog food bags at Costco. I really have noticed a difference in my energy and feel happier when I work out.

#3   Have a dance off! This one works every time, especially if you win every time like me. Or even better, have an undance off, which me and my sister made up. When we would do chores we would turn on a song with a sick beat, for us it was usually the Footloose theme song and that song you just cannot resist dancing to it. We would then see who could go the longest without breaking out into dance.Trust me, it’s harder than you think and man it feels good to let it out when that person loses.

#4   Get an Oreo shake from Chick-fil-a …… that is all. ..

#5   Play dress up with your kids!! I love playing dress up with my girls they think that everything I do is amazing and hilarious. My favorite is when my daughters and I play and I make them call me Queen..

#6   Get pampered. I have so many moms who look so forward to their nail appointments  with me and we just laugh and have tickle fights and just spend a whole hour devoted to them. I love that in doing nails I become such a huge part in women’s lives whether it be doing nails for their wedding, for when their baby comes, or a funeral for their husband. I have such a bond and I think that is so important to have somewhere to go once a month and have someone to talk to.

#7   Pray. Lots of times I will kneel down in prayer and ask for happiness and allow my heart to open up and let the good in and the bad out. Sometimes you have to work really hard at letting it in, but having a little bit of Jesus in your life will turn your rain cloud into sunshine.

#8   Take a bubble bath. I think doctors should write prescriptions for this. I could seriously spend a whole hour straight in the bath tub just thinking about life and watching my favorite shows.. warning I have dropped my phone in the tub and have fallen asleep, so remember there are dangers of the bath tub.

#9   Remember it’s normal to have a bad day and sometimes you need to cry it out. I think that it’s perfectly fine and okay to hit the wall when you stub your toe on it, and sometimes when I throw a fit and get so frustrated at losing something, I find it right after I threw the fit. Its okay  to do that once in awhile if it makes you feel better, just do your best. Also make sure there are not kids around you watching or else you will see your three year old hit the wall when she stubs her toe. Whoops!!

#10  Take a video of yourself cleaning on your “time lapse setting.” My sister-in-law Cami came up with this and we have been so obsessed with it. It really works wonders. All of us girls will take a video of us cleaning and send it to each other and we go crazy at watching each other clean! It sounds so funny, but it really motivates you. Even more so when your sister-in-laws are cheering you on. Also my husband watches it and I look like super woman while he thinks I spent all day cleaning. I’ve included a video below so you understand what I’m talking about. It’s seriously so fun!

#11 Make out… I don’t ever think I have ever been grumpy while making out. I know some people aren’t up for that and that’s cool. I would just say if you’re not a fan of that or if your man isn’t home, cuddle and hold your baby or child, or even man child, it really helps. My favorite thing I get from my little girls are butterfly kisses with our eyelashes. They think it’s so fun. It’s also a good excuse to get close to them. It will give you a reason to smile and a way to let you know that “Hey maybe I am doing a pretty swell job at this whole motherhood thing.”

I hope this made you feel a little better and gave you some good ideas. Just remember you are so pretty and very much needed. XoXo Pretties.



April 17, 2016

Hello Pretty Springtime

These past couple of weeks have been so fun for us and we are loving springtime. Although when you’re a mom and spring break is every day, we got to be with grandmas and cousins during the day this week for their spring break which made it fun for us. We drove up to Willow Park Zoo and that was such a fun place to watch the kids go crazy. Sidenote – it’s also very inexpensive if you’re looking for something fun to do in Utah. We also had our picnic basket and blanket handy and had a picnic by the animals. Hollynd was so happy about the picnic and made sure to tell everyone all about it. Check out our vlog from the last couple of weeks of adventures and enjoy!

IMG_5891IMG_5932IMG_6004ps Even though it’s springtime I had to pull out some fall clothes because it is really chilly.

IMG_6008 Got these shades from Böhme for $15. Yahoo!!!


March 28, 2016

Our Easter!

Easter here is quite the big deal, the girls could hardly wait for the Easter bunny to come. On Friday we decorated Easter eggs then watched a movie, then on Saturday we went to Caden’s sisters house and had a fun Easter egg hunt that Nana put on for the grand kids. The girls loved it!! Even Londyn got really into it when we got going, and by Sunday she was pro at the other grandmas house.

Our Easter bunny came on Saturday night while we were watching a movie because we have really early church. Each of the girls got a special present and lots of candy, girly toys and a little outfit. Also they are obsessed with marshmallows, and they were so happy to find them in their Easter eggs. I also made a vlog for our weekend that turned out so fun and you can view that here.

